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From Fractional CMO to Founder: Embracing SaaS Sales Coaching

Written by Matt Hayman | Jul 3, 2024 12:59:24 PM

Until recently, I was honoured to be part of the MySalesCoach team, working as a Fractional CMO.

However my passion for LinkedIn marketing, and LinkedIn Ads more specifically, led me to take the leap and start my own LinkedIn Ads Management platform, Linklo.

As a non-technical founder transitioning into this new role, I've learned that embracing sales coaching can have a transformational impact.

The Deliberate Demo Strategy

Linklo is a SaaS product. Conventional wisdom might suggest that a self-serve model would be the way to go to market from the start. However, I made a deliberate choice to run demos for prospects.


Because at this stage, understanding our customers is more valuable than immediate scalability.

When a potential customer visits our website and leaves without subscribing in a self-serve model, we're left in the dark.

We don't know what prompted them to consider buying, nor do we understand why they decided against it. This lack of insight can be detrimental to a young startup trying to find product-market fit.

By running demos, I've been able to:

  1. Test our product in real-time with potential users
  2. Gather invaluable feedback on features and pricing
  3. Understand our customers' pain points more deeply
  4. Refine our value proposition based on direct interactions

The Sales Coaching Revelation

Engaging in SaaS sales coaching with some of MySalesCoach's amazing coaches has been a humbling and enlightening experience. One that I would recommend to any founder running sales demos.

Coaching has shone a light on numerous areas where I can improve my sales skills. Not always easy to hear, but crucial for my development.

Some key insights from coaching, so far.

  1. Need for Approval

    One of the most significant revelations was recognising my "need for approval" in the context of sales. As a founder, it's natural to seek validation from potential customers. However, I learned that it's essential to separate my self-worth from the outcome of a sales call. I needed to focus on providing value and insights to the prospect, rather than seeking approval.

  2. The Jolt Effect

    Implementing learnings from "The Jolt Effect" by Matthew Dixon has been transformative. By focusing on the various factors that inhibit a prospect's decision-making process I was able to markedly improve my ability to move prospects through the sales pipeline.

  3. Active Listening and Questioning Techniques

    SaaS focused Sales coaching has emphasised the importance of:
    1. Asking open-ended questions to uncover deeper needs
    2. Using silence effectively to encourage prospects to elaborate
    3. Summarising and reflecting to ensure mutual understanding

These techniques have not only improved my sales conversations but have also yielded richer insights for product development.

Lessons Learned

Through this process, I gained valuable insights that have helped me refine my sales approach and product development:

  • Clarity is Key: I realised that I needed to simplify my pitch and focus on the key benefits that Linklo offers to LinkedIn advertisers.
  • Pain Points Matter: Understanding the pain points of my prospects was crucial in developing a solution that addressed their specific needs.
  • Feedback is Gold: Running demos and gathering feedback from prospects has been instrumental in refining my product and sales strategy.

The Unexpected Benefits

While the primary goal of sales coaching was to improve conversion rates, I've discovered additional benefits:

  1. Product Refinement: Direct conversations with prospects have led to feature adjustments and positioning improvements.
  2. Market Understanding: Each demo provides a micro-lesson in our target market's needs and pain points.
  3. Confidence Building: As my sales skills improve, so does my confidence in pitching to investors and partners.
  4. Team Development: The lessons I've learned are being integrated into our company culture, improving how we communicate internally and externally.

Looking Ahead

As Linklo grows, we'll eventually transition to a more scalable and possibly self-serve model. However, the insights gained from this hands-on approach are invaluable. They're shaping not just our sales strategy, but our entire business model and product roadmap.

For other founders, especially those from non-sales backgrounds, I cannot overemphasise the value of sales coaching. It's not just about closing deals; it's about understanding your market, refining your product, and growing as a leader.

As I look back on my journey from Fractional CMO to Founder, I realise that sales coaching has been instrumental in my growth as a sales professional and entrepreneur.

By applying the principles I learned from MySalesCoach to my own business, I've been able to develop a more effective sales strategy, refine my product, and gain valuable insights from potential customers.

Remember, every conversation is an opportunity to learn.  Embrace the process, be open to feedback, and watch as both you, and your sales effectiveness evolve.